


Luna is a desktop application for managing your tasks, optimized for usage via a GUI.

Quick Start

  1. Download from here
  2. Double-click the file.
  3. Add your tasks
  4. Let your worries disappear!


View all your task entries: list

Shows all your entries in the list.
–> Format: list

Add a to-do task: todo

Add a task named <TASK_NAME> with the todo task type.
–> Format: todo <TASK_NAME>

Add a task with a deadline: deadline

Add a task named <TASK_NAME> with the deadline task type and set its end date to be <END_DATE>.
–> Format: deadline <TASK_NAME> <END_DATE>

Add an event: event

Add a task named <TASK_NAME> with the event task type and set its start date to <START_DATE> and its end date to be <END_DATE>.
–> Format: event <TASK_NAME> <START_DATE> <END_DATE>

Mark a task as done: mark

Mark a task in the list using its <INDEX> in the list to show that a task is done.
–> Format: mark <INDEX>

Unmark a task as undone: unmark

Unmark a task in the list using its <INDEX> in the list to show that a task is undone.
–> Format: unmark <INDEX>

Delete a task from the list: delete

Remove the entry using its <INDEX> in the list.
–> Format: delete <INDEX>

Save any changes made: save

Save the current list to the device you are running the program.
–> Format: save

Load saved tasks: load

Load the current list from the device you are running the program.
–> Format: load

Find a task using a keyword: find

Show only the task from the list that contains the <KEYWORD> in its task name.
–> Format: find <KEYWORD>

Snooze a deadline or event task: snooze

Snooze a deadline or event using its <INDEX> in the list by the <DAYS_TO_SNOOZE> number of days.
–> Format: snooze <INDEX_IN_LIST> <DAYS_TO_SNOOZE>

Exit the program: exit

Closes the window and ends the program.
–> Format: exit


(none at the moment)

Known Issues

(none at the moment)

Command Summary